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eLearning Course Policy

  • Before you register, you are responsible for reading course details and ensuring that the course fits your goals. This will help you avoid any misunderstandings or disappointments and therefore set yourself up for a great learning experience. If you need help to decide, please make sure to indicate that in your registration submission, and our team will gladly get in touch with you to assist you.

  • You are responsible for ensuring the accuracy of the contact information (name, phone, and email) you provide in the course registration form. This will allow us to communicate with you effectively and promptly about any updates or changes regarding the course.

  • You are responsible for verifying your system requirements***

  • Your subscription will be confirmed only after providing the full payment to Makman in advance or after receiving an official Purchase Order (PO), or equivalent, from your employer.

  • Your subscription will last only for the specified number of days stated in the course description (that is 30 days). You are responsible for making a plan and making the time to complete all course content and activities before your subscription ends.

  • If your subscription ends before you complete the course, your course progress will be reset, and you will have to pay again in order to get access to the course.

  • If you choose to pay with a debit card, check, or wire transfer, the payment must come from your own bank account. In other words, you cannot use someone else’s debit card, cheque, or bank account to pay for your course. This is to prevent any confusion or disputes about your payment status.

  • If you paid via a debit card, a cheque, or wire transfer, you must provide the original receipt/slip to prove your payment and confirm your registration. This is to avoid any confusion or disputes about your payment status.

  • Registration fees are non-refundable.

  • Your subscription begins the first time you access the course materials

  • You are not allowed to share course material or account access with anyone else. This is to protect the intellectual property rights of Makman and its partners and to maintain the integrity and value of the course.

  • You are not allowed to teach or instruct from RMC’s elearning courses

  • Online attendees are responsible for ensuring a good internet connection. This is to ensure that you can access the course material and participate in the online activities without any technical difficulties.

  • Makman may contact you—via email, phone, or text—after the course to follow up on your progress and share relevant news and insights. You may request to opt out at any moment.

*** System requirements:

Browsers: Internet Explorer 8.0 and higher, or any version of Firefox, Chrome, Safari, or Edge

Internet: Requires an internet connection (WiFi recommended)

Mobile: Compatible with computers or tablets with a 6-inch or larger screen. Our eLearning courses are not optimized for use on phones or other devices with small screens.

Settings: JavaScript, cookies, and popups must be enabled in your browser