LPTIC and Subsidiaries Engage with Global Telecom Industry through Makman and TM Forum®

LPTIC continues its efforts to modernize its telecommunications infrastructure by signing three significant manifestos with the TM Forum®. These manifestos are: the Open Digital Architecture Manifesto, the Autonomous Networks Manifesto, and the Open APIs Manifesto. These steps reflect LPTIC’s commitment to updating and expanding its telecommunications infrastructure and fostering a smart, interconnected society.

In addition, HLC, a subsidiary of LPTIC, has recently become a member of the TM Forum®, while LATI has joined as an affiliate member. These memberships add to the existing active national members, including LITC, Libyana, and Almadar Aljadeed.

TM Forum® offers its members the opportunity to participate in collaboration projects and innovation trials, access a rich library of best practices and global standards in telecommunications, and receive quality training and certifications. Membership also provides opportunities to participate in international events and awards, enhancing Libya’s presence on the global stage.

Signing these agreements and joining the TM Forum® represents a major step towards achieving Libya’s vision of modernizing its telecommunications sector. This development is not just a technical achievement; it is a gateway to opening Libya’s economy to the world and enhancing competitiveness in the global market.

Modernizing the telecommunications infrastructure improves business efficiency and supports the country’s digital transformation, contributing to building a strong and sustainable economy. These steps come at a time when interest in telecommunications services and digital transformation is growing in Libya, as these services have become an essential part of daily life for both citizens and businesses.
